Feeling Love
Some feel love as it nestles up to their soul,
as it cries out to be embraced,
how it swallows them up into untapped fantasies,
unleashed dreams which cannot be matched
by any amount of greatness the world may offer.
To be loved, cherished, and held in
high esteem by another's heart is a desire
unimaginable until experienced in its fullness.
If lost it does not die,
it lurks about reminding you of all
the joys you once had the privilege to feel.
As sadness overwhelms, as it cuts through those
emotions which seemed true and ever so real,
the truth of love is finally released.
It is a gift that should never be taken
for granted,
that should never be seen as a burden,
and never seen as a loss.
Some never feel the blessing,
they never taste love's bittersweet qualities.
This is where sadness and
unmatchable depression can be justified.
Be thankful that you have loved,
yet even more importantly,
be thankful you have had that magnificent privilege to be loved.
Lauren Hight
2 February '00
3:45 am
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