It is my hope that, in these days just after the
ever-violent 20th century passed away, its
successor will be much more peaceful. The world
celebrated in the mindset of a global community
on 12-31-1999 and peace was the rule rather than
the exception. The Pope proclaimed January 1,
2000 World Peace Day. I only hope that in the
times that lie before humanity, the lessons of
our past can be learned without further
The present is a time without limits. The
opportunity for achieving our wildest dreams is
finally within our grasps. We must continue to
live our lives as we did the last day as 20th
century humans, as if we were all reading the
same sheets of music. What we put out into the
world is what we get back. I am not talking
about karma, I am talking about the fact that we
are all interconnected to one another today in
ways people could have never dreamed of 100 years
ago. Our nations and cultures are linked beyond
what the average person today can imagine.
Now is the time to implement all those great
improvements in our lives we have put off until
"some other time". What better time than RIGHT
NOW? The clock at the top of this page is
counting down to 2001. Sit and watch it tick for
a minute or two and reflect on your life. Each
time the seconds tick down another second slips
irretrievalby from your grasps. Every second we
waste we lose momentum that we could have been
using to create that great impact we all wish our
lives had on the world as a whole. Now is the
time to quit smoking, doing drugs, hating,
envying, lying, doubting, and procrastinating.
Now is the time to start recycling (yes I do).
Now is the time to get yourself right with
whatever belief system you have, and by the same
token, it is also the time to learn to practice a
little more religious tolerance. Once ages ago
pagans persecuted christians, and in later years
that trend was reversed. Muslims, Jews,
Buddhists, Hindus, Christians (all sects),
Wiccans, and Athiests (who place their faith in
science) must all draw their strength from their
belief systems. We should all use that strength
to focus on our common goals and beyond our
differences. Trying to change anothers beliefs
is at best a test in futility, so why drain
ourselves as such when we can combine our
energies to achieve a greater good. People
always look to the Middle-East and shake their
heads, "Why can not they just get along?" Well,
I pose that question now to every person of faith
around the world. If you believe and love a
higher power, why sqabble over what color he was,
if he was prophet, a woman, the moon...I mean
really, can you not see the glory of the creator
in every speck of matter around you? Think about
it, and while you do, watch the clock at the top
of the page. Maybe you will see how precious
little time everyone has left to make a